Love, Stress

Want to Beat Stress? LOVE EXTRAVAGANTLY!

Happy Valentines Day to everyone! Since it is Valentines Day, I would like to share this thought I got from the book I read two years ago…Here is the complete phrase for you to read…

Keeping records of any kind can be a stressful job, but with love, it can be deadly— especially to a relationship. Here are ways to express your love extravagantly:
a. Love extravagantly by giving more love. The more love you give away, the more you will have.
b. Love those who aren’t in a position to return it.
c. Give in secret
d. Volunteer
e. Pamper your spouse or a friend without expectations
of the favor being returned.

All these are stress reliever that has benefits not only for you but also for everyone.

Try it!… 🙂


CDO Lifestyle Blogger.
Blogger since 2008. Educator. Life Mentor.

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