Last Saturday, my husband told me to sleep early because we’ll be going to church the following day. Despite his reminder, I still slept at 2 AM. Hubby said “I don’t think you can wake up early tomorrow.” I answered him jokingly “Well, tomorrow I’m gonna be like Sleeping Beauty, I need to be kissed by a prince for me to wake up from a deep sleep.” My husband just smiled.
Sunday morning came, I woke up and looked at the watch… it was 7 AM. It was still early and I went back to sleep and never noticed that I had fallen back into a deep sleep. After awhile, I felt my husband tapping me at the back and asking me to get up. I heard him telling me the time, but still I can’t open my eyes. I just ignored him and continued sleeping. He continued tapping and tickling me just to make me awake, but I just told him I’m still very sleepy. To my surprise, my husband kissed me and told me “Hey, Sleeping Beauty wake up! I immediately opened my eyes and told him, “Oh, you really did what I told you last night. I was then laughing at him. Hubby just gave me a funny face. (LOL!)
wow gie. he’s so sweet. feeling kilig ko diri when i read this post.