Every man wanted their wedding proposals to be romantic as well as unique. I’ve read an article in a magazine where the man did his proposal on top of the mountain. Wow! How did he do it? We’ll it’s just simple. He invited her girlfriend to a climbing adventure. It was just an ordinary invitation so that he can surprise her girlfriend later. Climbing wasn’t hard for them because they were both adventurous. After they reached to the top, the man suddenly knelt down and said those precious words “will you marry me?”
I find the proposal very sweet and unique. But I think you can’t take away the risk in this kind of proposal. What I’m afraid of is the threat of possible accidents, and the fear that the engagement ring and other stuff might get lost and that would ruin the whole proposal plan. If you plan to do this in the future, you need to have the right Outdoor Gear to make the proposal work. I’ve heard brands from North Face and Marmot are great for outdoor adventures.
I’m sure you can’t say no to a wedding proposal like this, right? Although it’s a bit risky, I’m sure love will blossom after the hard work of climbing and trying to make the proposal special. Love will surely find a way!
Sweet proposal…too much work for me, though!
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