Payday Loans

Making Ends Meet

I was watching a noon time television show where I saw one of the contestants being interviewed by the TV host. The host asked her why she joined the contest and she answered, “because I want to have money so that I can provide the best for my children especially their basic needs.” She said that she only receives 5,000 pesos a month from her income and this isn’t enough for her four children. His husband works as a construction worker and her husband’s income helps a lot in their daily needs but still its not enough because their children are now in school.

With the crisis that we are facing now, I believe that a lot of people are now working very hard just to make ends meet. But there are times that the resources will not be enough because there are emergencies coming out. Because of this, some employees would go to their employers and apply for a cash advance or a payday loan. In the United States, there are instant payday loans available online and it’s very easy to apply because in most cases there are no more documents required. Once you’re approved for a payday loan the money will be sent directly to your bank account. I hope we have this kind of services in the Philippines so that it can help a lot of Filipinos who experience financial crisis.


CDO Lifestyle Blogger.
Blogger since 2008. Educator. Life Mentor.

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