Two months ago, we were very much alarmed with the news that Swine flue or what we call the A(H1N1) virus has penetrated our city. A lot of schools had their classes suspended for 10 days because some of their students were infected with the virus. I was also a bit worried when almost all of our students were absent from class because of fever. Some of them were admitted to the hospital but thank God it wasn’t swine flue. So, we also had our classes suspended for 10 days. This time, we are now calm about it because we never heard of any news about it.
I thought the virus was gone, not until I browsed the internet.I have found out that the people in the US are still alarmed about it. Added to that there were projections that swine flu could possible infect 50% of the Americans. The statistic is still unreliable but let’s pray that this pandemic will end the soon.
I pray this flu goes away soon.