
Psalm 18:6

In my distress I called to the LORD;
I cried to my God for help.
From his temple he heard my voice;
my cry came before him,
into his ears.”
Psalm 18:6

God always hears when we call. Isn’t this a good news? So let’s keep on praying and waiting on God for His answers to happen in our lives.

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CDO Lifestyle Blogger.
Blogger since 2008. Educator. Life Mentor.

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  1. Lauren says:

    Amen! Let us never forget to cry out to the Lord!

  2. Praise God.

  3. Psalm 18 is one of my favorite psalms!

    Praise God we can always turn to Him.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. Hope to see you back soon.

    Have a blessed day!

  4. Praise God He is faithful and He is true.

    Hope your day is blessed Bogie~

  5. I'm so glad and thankful that the Lord never gets tired of hearing my cry/prayer.

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  6. i praise God along with you and the others for always being there for us. He hears, He rescues, He comforts and he provides.

    God bless.

  7. I love that God hears our prayers!

  8. Amen!!!!! That is so powerful!

  9. Blessings Bogie, Beautiful photo and verse of PRAISE!!! May we always PRAISE the LORD! Thanks for your visit and hope you enJOY a WORD FILLED WEDS!

  10. How wonderful to know He hears and answers our prayers.

  11. indeed so true and i also love this verse!so timely for me!

    God Bless and Happy WFW!

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