Today is CK’s (my nephew) first birthday. His mom and dad prepared a super fun party for him. Barney the purple dinosaur and Spiderman were his special party guests. I was so amused to see CK when he was able to meet Barney. His face looked really surprised and it looks like he has seen a very big stuffed toy. Spiderman showed his tricks too but CK was all the more attracted to Barney. They hired a party coordinator who will be in charge of the children’s game. There were lots of games and all adults who were there in the party also joined the games. It was fun to see those adults feeling like kiddos again. Anyway, CK’s mom must have been very busy during the preparation of his birthday. It’s not very easy to prepare events like this especially that you will consider a lot of things like tokens, prizes, and invitations. CK had a very nice invitation made by her mom. When CK becomes a grown up and plans to get married, I’m sure he will not be looking for cheap invitations because His mom can handle it. LOL! Why am I talking about getting married when this little kiddo just celebrated his first birthday. Anyway, his mom’s hard work truly paid off as all of the guests enjoyed his birthday celebration.
hala ka cute sa imo nephew!! he looks so cute with his superman outfit!