The Domain Angel together with The Business Minded Mom is holding a contest entitled “Get a FREE Domain Name from the Domain Angel May 2010 Giveaway”.
She will be giving away the following domain names for FREE:
FOLLOWINGFREEDOM.COM – Expiry Date 12-26-2010
THEDOMAINFAIRY.COM – Expiry Date 05-18-2011
SHOPPAMOMMA.INFO – Expiry Date 01-16-2010
If I’m going to win in this contest, I want to win the SHOPPAMOMMA.INFO domain name. I have a shopping blog but it doesn’t have it’s own domain yet. So, I am hoping to win in this contest. 🙂
You too can own these domains for FREE! Visit the The Domain Angel now and Get FREE Domain Names Monthly. Contest ends on May 31, 2010.
I will delete nalang my isigned SS post. it's my first… so i can concentrate with Payu2blog..