
I Deserve It!

Hubby and I had our morning devotion today. We read the book “Night Light” a Devotional for Couples by Dr. James and Shirley Dobson. It was a book given to me by my cousin Lalaine. We go through the topic “I DESERVE IT!”. One of the great learnings we had this morning is we oftentimes think of the things we deserve in our marriage. In most cases resentment can build over who works the hardest, who spends more, who is not doing enough and this could lead to anger. But this is not what God wants in our marriages.
As the author states on this book… “Beware of this trap. The minute we begin thinking that we are entitled to more, we’ve started down the slippery road to selfishness. It can devastate a relationship.”

I am thankful that me and my husband don’t have this “I Deserve Attitude” in our marriage. But still we prayed to God that he will help us not to entertain these thoughts if ever this kind of situation will come in our marriage.
If you if feel you’re experiencing this kind of problem in your marriage … check your heart today and talk to your spouse and pray about it.
Below are some of the questions you can discuss with your spouse:
  • Do you have the kind of love for your spouse that seeks to serve, not “deserve”?
  • Do you sometimes feel that you’re not getting what you deserve in your marriage?
  • Is selfishness a problem in your marriage.
“For the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature.”- Galatians 5:17


CDO Lifestyle Blogger.
Blogger since 2008. Educator. Life Mentor.

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