
Let’s Go To…

I’m excited about my lessons for my students next week. Every Tuesday, we are learning about different countries of the world. Last Tuesday, we have learned about Canada, Greenland, Bahamas, and Jamaica. I used an LCD projector and the kids was so happy to see different pictures of the different countries. They also enjoyed looking at the photos of the different kinds of animals and beautiful landmarks. Whenever I introduce another country, I often tell them “Let’s go to….” and they would smile and imagined themselves riding an airplane.
Next week, we will be learning about the countries Mexico and Puerto Rico. I wish I can find photo books that feature beautiful pictures of these countries so I won’t be tired of bringing a projector and a lap top to class. If not, I guess I will just have to print photos to make the class more exciting.


CDO Lifestyle Blogger.
Blogger since 2008. Educator. Life Mentor.

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1 Comment

  1. teacher na gyd kau ka gie! :)… knusa na pud kaha ka dli ma busy no para chat chat na sad ta ug dugay..heheh! ..gimingaw ra diay to ba.. God bless!

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