
My Coca-Cola Yoyo

When I was 12 years old, I joined a drawing contest sponsored by Coca-Cola Company. It was joined by all grade school students in the country. I was the one chosen to represent our school and I was happy for the opportunity to join a nationwide drawing contest. 
 I didn’t win in the contest but I was so happy to receive a consolation prize. My prize was a Coca-Cola yoyo. Playing yoyo was popular during that time so I was happy with my contest prize. Most people at that time have duncan yoyos but I am already satisfied and very much happy with my Coca-Cola yoyo. Beginning that day, I started to learn how to play yoyo but I couldn’t master any tricks and loops. LOL!


CDO Lifestyle Blogger.
Blogger since 2008. Educator. Life Mentor.

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