The kitchen is one of the most flexible rooms in the house. It is used to prepare meals and it can also serve as a dining area especially if you have a small house. Moreover, it is also used to store foods and other household items.
As what I have learned in my high school lesson, the kitchen should be the cleanest part of the house because it is where foods are stored and prepared. However, I have problems with making my kitchen clean and tidy because it’s very small and I have lots of stuff stored in it. Experts would say that a well designed kitchen has minimal clutter and has maximum efficiency. The problem is I can always see a messy kitchen every now and then.
Because of the problem on keeping the kitchen tidy, my husband decided to install additional ready to assemble kitchen cabinets for our kitchen. In this way, some of the things and tools we have in the kitchen will be stored and kept in those cabinets. Moreover, I also need to discard all unnecessary stuff in the kitchen. I guess I will have to dispose all those gadgets or appliances that just simply add space and are not anymore usable. I will also have to regularly remove rotten veggies and etc on the fridge and clean it more often. Well, I hope I will be consistent on my plan to keep my kitchen clean. How about you? Do you find it hard to keep your kitchen clean?