Globally, 12 million girls are married before the age of 18 each year. Despite the recent decline in its prevalence, the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact to families have placed children—especially girls—at a higher risk of being forced into marriage to make ends meet. Studies have shown that marrying at an early age hinders children …
How much of the Philippines have you visited?
Thanks ate Janet for this tag! Show me how much of the Philippines have you visited? Add your links here:1) mind bubbles, 2) may, 3) VANITY KIT 4) SOMETHING PURPLE, 5.) A DETOUR, 6) Big Eyed Gal, 7)The Chronic Shopper, 8) Free IT and Blogger’s EBook, 9) Ness 10) Mica 11) Bernadeth 12. Bernisaac13. expressions …
Rice Crisis
Rice is a staple food in the Philippines. We cannot have a complete meal if we don’t have rice set on our tables. But just recently, the Philippines is suffering from rice crisis. I couldn’t feel such crisis until I saw the price of a kilo of rice goes higher and higher. News on TV …