When you can’t figure out how to finish a task or solve a problem, the best advice you can have is to “take a break”. This means that you have to stop what you are doing and do something completely different for a while. Studies have shown that taking a break during work improves focus, …
Rubik’s Cube
A lot of teenagers here in the Philippines are so fascinated with this puzzle called the Rubik’s cube. It is a mechanical puzzle invented in 1974 by Hungarian sculptor and professor of architecture Ernő Rubik. This cube was originally called the “Magic Cube” by it’s inventor and was renamed “Rubik’s cube by Ideal Toys. It …
Crossword Puzzle
I got this blogthing while I was reading ate Janet ‘s post. Here it is: What kind of puzzle am I? You Are a Crossword Puzzle You are well read, and you have a good head for remembering facts. You are a wordsmith. You have a way with words, and you’re very literate. You are …