Students are now busy renting and borrowing clothes to be worn on this special occasion. My cousin even told me that she wanted to borrow a dress from me because she’s going to wear it on her JS Prom. Today she informed me that she wants to borrow my sandals too. (ha.ha.ha.) It’s good that she will just have to borrow because a lot of parents are complaining about the big expense they are going to have for this event. I happened to talk to one of the parent in a beauty parlor who waited for 9 hours because her daughter had her hair rebond for about 2,500 pesos just for this occasion. Wow, these students are really getting serious about this event. Anyway, I can’t blame them because this is one of the most unforgettable events in a high school life.
Juniors-Senior’s Prom in the Philippines
High school students are now talking about their school’s big event for this month the Promenade. For the 3rd year high school students they will have the Junior’s Prom and for the 4th year students they call it as Senior’s Prom. In most schools here in the Philippines, the event is combined so it’s now called “JUN-SEN” a short name for Juniors-Seniors Prom. It is held usually in the months of February and some schools do it on March.