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“No man is an island
So the saying goes,
Am I my brother’s keeper?
Yes I am!…”
This is a line from a song which I’ve learned when I was still in high school. This song reminds me of the fact that we can’t live without others. Added to that, it is our responsibility to care for them in every way we can.
When I was still a little girl, I thought I am caring enough for others because I don’t have problems with anybody else. I thought I do care enough about my family when I obey everything they want me to do. I thought I am more caring with my friends because I share to them my toys. But when I grew older, I began to realize that there are more meaningful expressions of caring for my family and friends. I have learned that when I care for others in a more truthful and meaningful way, our relationship is being strengthened and it will have a positive effect in almost all aspect of our lives. So, this is how I show care my family, friends and other people.
This is one gesture that it is not so visible but this is one very important thing that I do for others. Why? It is because some people are not lovable; some people don’t deserve to be cared for. This time we need the hand of God to change our hearts as well as the heart of our family and friends. When we pray, God changes everything so that it will be easy for us to care for others.
-Giving is one of the most convincing acts of showing that you care. There are many ways that you can give to others. Give to them what they like and the things that matters to them.
– Give them hugs, kisses, a massage, a tickle… any physical act that you think beneficial to them
– Give to them your most valued asset … your TIME. Spend quality time with others by talking to them, listening to them and by just being there. Giving involves being able to do sacrifices. Honestly, this is one of the hardest things I have done for this week. I have lots of pending tasks because I have to accompany my mom in law in the hospital. Even though it was hard but I still I made it because I care.
This includes words of comfort, appreciation and compliments. I usually let my family and friends know that I care for them through words of kindness. Words like “I love you”… “ Take Care”… “You’re beautiful”… You look good on your dress… or You look good on your hair”, “You’re a fast learner!”, “You’re good, Keep it up!” …everything in them that needs to be appreciated. By expressing these, you show to your loved ones that they mean so much to you because you noticed them.
4. SURPRISE them.
Some people don’t like surprises but I tell you they just say that because they don’t want you to see them cry when they’re surprised. Anyway, this is one of the things I love doing. It isn’t something grand but I usually see to it that it has an impact to the other person. I always surprise my hubby during special occasions and sometimes on ordinary days. One of the things that surprise him is when I just placed something (a gift, food and etc.) in his car.
Another thing, last year I went to my mom’s house and I did a bedroom makeover. I cleaned and arranged her bedroom and changed her old beddings with a new one. When she came home she was surprised and called me if I was the one who did it. I just laughed.
– Remember special occasions especially birthdays. It always feels good to me when somebody remembers my birthday (that is on Nov.25 LOL!). That is why I also try to make it a point that I don’t forget birthdays and other special events.
– Remember NAMES… this is very applicable in dealing with friends and other people. I am not really good at names but now I am trying very hard to this to show others that I am really sincere about them.
Accepting other people in the way they are. Not everyone is perfect. We all have our flaws and all we need to do is to accept everyone’s limitation. Sometimes it’s very hard to do this, but I just put it in mind that when I chose to care for this person it involves accepting all of him including his limitations. Just let others be themselves…
wow, what a beautiful post. Sana naka join ako… Kaya lang ngayon lang ako nakakita busy kasi…
Maybe next time, Litlit told me, pero I don't have spare time that time…
Very beautiful.
hi Judy Ann,
wow. you finally made it. LOL. thanks for joining!