Food, Mexico, Snacks

Edible Sombreros

I was quiet busy for this week because of our Daily Vacation Bible School (DVBS). I was tasked to organize the whole DVBS at the same time do the snacks for the kids. The theme for this year’s DVBS is “Trading Places, Where Jesus Makes a World of Difference”. Lesson one is entitled “Trading Loneliness for Loyalty”, this is a bible story about Ruth. Part also of the Lesson is introducing different countries and learning how it is to trade places with someone living there. For the first day, our lesson is about the country Mexico. My duty is to prepare snacks that will remind the kids about Mexico and about the lesson “Loyalty”. What I did was I made this Edible Sombreros. Sombrero is a Spanish word for Hat. How did I do this? It’s just simple… no baking needed (lol!). Just look for any biscuit that has a round shape and anything round (biscuit or chocolate) that will be placed on top of the biscuit. Here in the Philippines I used the Fita Biscuit and Eggnog biscuit placed on top. I used mayonnaise to make the two biscuits stick together, and then I sprinkled some nuts and decors on top. As the teachers gave the snacks to the kids, they reminded them with these words…. “The Bible story for today is about loyalty, and the snacks for today will help you think about loyalty. Loyalty means sticking together even when times are hard and things get rough. Remember, kids, that no matter where you are or where you live Jesus makes a world of difference! … You can now eat your sombreros! The kids were so happy with these cute sombreros and were excited for tomorrow’s snacks… (lol!)

(DVBS materials courtesy of Operation Blessing. You can also visit


CDO Lifestyle Blogger.
Blogger since 2008. Educator. Life Mentor.

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