
Floaters and Prescription Eyeglasses

My husband has been experiencing spots, specks or something like clouds on his vision. I told him it happened because he lacks sleep and always stays too long in front of the computer. For one week, he sleeps very early but the problem on his vision still hasn’t been resolved. He even had difficulty reading because the specks are totally distracting his vision. While surfing on the internet, I’ve found out that the spots, specks or cloud like things that are distracting his vision are called Floaters. It’s something you don’t have to be alarmed with but it is always good to have it check with the doctor.
Hubby doesn’t like to go to the doctor because waiting on a long queue takes a lot of his time. The funny thing was, he found an old prescription eyeglasses on the cabinet. It was her grandmother’s glasses. He was fitting it on and read a book. He was laughing because he looks weird with the glasses but at the same time he was also surprised that he can see clearly in those. I told him not to use it because it might worsen his eye condition and he will just have to buy one for himself. But he told it’s expensive.
As I try to look around today, most eyeglasses are now very expensive. But while surfing online, I found out that Zenni Optical has remained to offer affordable glasses. They have 6.95 eyeglasses prescription eyeglasses and cheap fashionable eyeglasses that will definitely suit your taste. Added to that, Zenni has great costumer service so you are sure that you are treated with utmost care when you buy your glasses from them. I will let my husband check their site today. Who knows he might find an eyeglasses in there that would help him solve his eye problem.


CDO Lifestyle Blogger.
Blogger since 2008. Educator. Life Mentor.

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